
All of us here at True Smile Orthodontics have heard the expression “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Taking this to heart can make our teeth stronger and brighter if we eat the right foods to support that healthy smile.

Even though Veneers, crowns, and fillings, along with professional whitening can make your teeth stronger and brighter, it’s best to avoid cavities and stains altogether with regular brushing, flossing, and just as important…eating the right foods.

Here is a list of 5 dental-friendly foods to prevent and even reverse damage to your teeth.

  • Dairy Products We all know milk and dairy products are our primary source of calcium, which builds strong tooth enamel and bones. Dairy products, contain casein, a type of protein found especially in cheese. Research reports that caseins, combined with calcium, contribute to stabilizing and repairing tooth enamel.
  • Leafy Vegetables and High Fiber Foods Eating a salad or dish of beans requires a lot of chewing and a great way to wash your teeth. Biting into an apple scrubs your teeth also. Chewing generates saliva and the food scrubs your teeth as you chew it into little pieces. It’s like a tooth-cleaning dog treat.
  • Strawberries for Whitening Teeth  Strawberries contain malic acid and are a natural whitening agent.
  • Sugarless Gum  helps clean teeth by stimulating saliva production when you chew. Saliva aids in washing away acids created by bacteria in your mouth. Also, many types of sugarless gum are sweetened with xylitol, an alcohol that reduces bacteria in the mouth as you chew. At True Smile Orthodontics we do not recommend chewing gum while wearing braces, but once removed, sugarless gum can help maintain your beautiful new smile!
  • Good Old Fashioned WATER Water helps wash away food, sugar, and acid after you eat. In most areas, it also contains fluoride, a mineral that protects against tooth erosion. Did you know that fluoride occurs naturally in water, including some natural spring water? Across the United States, most communities fortify their water with fluoride.

Changing our eating habits to reflect a healthier lifestyle is not easy but it is very much worth the effort. Leave a comment or suggestion that you may have below. Also, feel free to contact our office to schedule an initial complimentary consultation or if you have questions.